GLOVES a narrow point of view or just a *wrong* belief how do we decide what’s real? a glove found in the street - the body isn’t there yet the eye can see a hand how do we give meaning to what we see - to what we *live*? how’s reality in denial? glove - hand - body - human - reality synecdoche - a word or phrase in which a part of something is used to refer to the whole of it questioning the *truth* - the part and the whole - the whole by its parts the body is not there but is life there? in the thought of life? in the thought of a body? do thoughts have vision? [*human presence* on earth] walking in Sussex there’s nothing special in walking, nothing sensational. walking is a non-sensational act. the things you find on the streets while walking are equally non-sensational. they have no time, no pretensions, they’re the kind of things you can afford to lose. you can easily lose the container, but what if you lose the *content*? your body is still there, you are still there, you walk those street where these *parts* were lost. the part speaks to us of a different thing. and sometimes the only thing you want to see is a sign. the use of a single element and its repetition - the individual within a wider spectrum. how to put into perspective the meaning given to a single person or to a single event, the part for the whole. |